+91 87905 19679

+91 87905 19679

Want to Invest in Zoomba Cars?

Get upto 20% % Return on Investment every year for 3 years !

Investment Process


Your Investment based on the Slabs

With your investment, we will add a pre-owned vehicle into our chain of fleets. Duration: 30 days


On-Boarding Process

Once we have the car purchased, the car will go through upgradation with the installation of GPS Tracking device, Dashboard Cam and respective insurance along with all other necessary documentations.Duration: 15 days


Your Investment put to work

The car is then used to meet the demands of the market and car will start generating revenue.


Your Return on Investment (ROI)

Once the car starts generating revenue, you will be paid 3.33% of your invested amount every month for the next 40 months. Returning you a total of upto 33.14% of your investment in less than 4 years.